The story entitled "Tata Selo" by Rogelio Sikat depicts the life of a farmer who only wanted to farm his land that was sold to the captain due to his ill wife. In his daily life, he consistently demonstrates that, despite his age, he is still capable of farming. He chose to work because he aspired to retrieve their land but the lack of money hinders him. Until one day, he killed the captain who underestimated his skills and caned him for pleading not to be replaced. He was jailed like a bird singing for freedom while the people looked on as if they are watching a beast in a zoo. He was despised, condemned and judged without knowing his side of story..

    In today's society, the character of Tata Selo portrays the weak, helpless, inferior, and poor.  It also reflects those who have been deprived of justice, liberty and the chance of living a life that they deserve. Most of the time these people are maltreated by the government officials who should be the models of just and equitable law enforcement. Unfortunately, these cowards make use of their powers and positions to manipulate the law and oppress the weak. It is just unreasonable to believe that these sorrows and sufferings are still prevalent in this world, making life unfair and unjust. Thus, Tata Selo's life reflects the way of living, the challenges and difficulties of those who are burdened of discriminatory societal standards..

    As I comprehend the story, I felt distressed and aggrieved. I believe that Tata Selo does not deserve to experience such cruelties. Like others, he was also a victim of this harsh society. In fact, he just defended himself from the undue canning of the captain who abuses his power. The reality of injustice and atrocity push even the old frail man to do an heinous act. If only the government officials use their authority for the welfare of the people, Tata Selo could have the justice he deserve for himself and for his daughter. This made me wonder if a victim must first die in order to be labeled as a victim..

    To make a change and help people like Tata Selo, I will practice my rights to vote leaders who are competent, honest, accountable, non-biased, good governance advocate and empowering. As a student, it is my responsibility to choose who is the best for the country and its people. Making decision like this could help changing the fate of the powerless and help them live a peaceful and dignified life.

Documentary Film about Filipino Farmers
